Coordinador/a de Proyecto / Gestor/a de Actividades
Gestor/a de Actividades / Referente Médico de Proyecto / Coordinador/a Médico
Proporcionar cuidados obstétricos a mujeres embarazadas y sus bebés, haciendo un seguimiento antes, durante y después del parto, conforme a los protocolos obstétricos y de salud reproductiva de MSF , normas universales de higiene y de cuidado de recién nacidos y bajo la supervisión de un médico/a especialista, a fin de garantizar sus condiciones de salud y evitar las complicaciones posparto.
Imprescindible, cualificación o especialización como comadrona
Imprescindible, experiencia de trabajo de por lo menos dos años en actividades de comadrona y trabajos relacionados. Para OCBA, esto es deseable.
Able to provide routine data analysis
Under Supervision
Capacity to ensure adequate use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Understanding of bio-hazard risk (secure waste disposal)
Appropriation of MSF Infection control protocols and proceduresL3 Understanding of bio-hazard risk (secure waste disposal)
Appropriation of MSF Infection control protocols and procedures
Under Supervision
Capable to implement basic food hygiene principles (cleaning, storage)
Understand principle of food transformation( process, transformation, storage)L1 Capable to implement basic food hygiene principles (cleaning, storage)
Understand principle of food transformation( process, transformation, storage)
Capacity to compensate patient disability (moving, feeding, toileting)
Able to issue accurate drug prescriptions
Under Supervision
Able to manage ward/OT material stock (inventory, refilling)
Able to evaluate equipment status (availability, functioning)
L1 able to manage ward/OT material stock (inventory, refilling)
Able to evaluate equipment status (availability, functioning)
Under Supervision
Able to perform basic counseling and/or educational sessions under supervision
Able to identify cases presenting psycho-social problems
Under Supervision
Understand of therapeutic feeding principles
Able to identify basic pathological conditions (apathy, anorexia, see jd…)
Capacity to address to specific medical conditions (hypothermia and fever)
Under Supervision
Able to perform basic local anesthesia
Knowledge of anesthetic drugs for local anesthesia
Able to use rapid diagnostic tests (malaria, syphilis, hemoglobin, glucose, etc)
Capacity to provide basic periodic maintenance of biomedical device
Capacity to manage an eutocic delivery: (labor identification and follow-up, delivery and postpartum activities)
Able to perform a first neonatal checkup
Able to conduct a neonatal reanimation
Able to recognize complication during pregnancy period, delivery and post-partum
Under Supervision
Basic theoretical knowledge of HIV and TB (symptoms, disease steps, treatment)
Able to perform clinical consultation of HIV/TB patients
Knowledge of MSF HIV/TB protocols, guidelines and therapeutic choices
MW Be able to design and implement an PMTCT program
Under Supervision
Appropriation of existing MSF emergency guidelines (meningitis, cholera, hemorrhagic fever, etc.)
Demonstrates knowledge of and accepts MSF’s principles
Accepts changes
Manages own stress
Performs his/her work
Knows and understands clients’ needs and interests
Acknowledges the importance of teamwork and cooperation
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