Referente Médico de Proyecto
Referente Médico del Proyecto / Coordinador Médico
Servicios médicos
Definir, implementar y hacer el seguimiento de todas las actividades asociadas a maternidad y al trabajo de comadrona en el área del proyecto, conforme a las normas de MSF , analizando estadísticas e informes y asegurando la correcta implementación de los protocolos y la gestión del personal que participa en dichas actividades, a fin de brindar a la población una atención de la salud materno-infantil (SMI) de alta calidad. Supervisar al personal que participa en las actividades de maternidad y asociadas al trabajo de comadrona.
Requisito mínimo: Diploma de comadrona de una institución reconocida. Requisito deseado: Capacitación en medicina tropical.
Dos años de experiencia como comadrona. Requisito deseado: Haber trabajado en MSF u otras organizaciones sin fines de lucro y en países en desarrollo.
Able to analyze complex and heterogeneous data
Able to ensure data quality controlL3 Able to analyze complex and heterogeneous data
Able to ensure data quality control
Able to supervise use of PPE in a service or department
Understanding of bio-hazard risk (secure waste disposal)
Appropriation of MSF Infection control protocols and proceduresL3 Understanding of bio-hazard risk (secure waste disposal)
Appropriation of MSF Infection control protocols and procedures
Under Supervision
Capable to implement basic food hygiene principles (cleaning, storage)
Understand principle of food transformation( process, transformation, storage)L1 Capable to implement basic food hygiene principles (cleaning, storage)
Understand principle of food transformation( process, transformation, storage)
Able to perform rational use of prescription analysis
Able to ensure quality control on drug management
Knowledge of drugs: action, interaction and side effects
Able to evaluate the quality level of patient therapy education
Mastery of pharmacy management softwareL4 Able to perform rational use of prescription analysis
Able to ensure quality control on drug management
Knowledge of drugs: action, interaction and side effects
Able to evaluate the quality level of patient therapy education
Mastery of pharmacy management software
Under Supervision
Able to manage ward/OT material stock (inventory, refilling)
Able to evaluate equipment status (availability, functioning)
L1 able to manage ward/OT material stock (inventory, refilling)
Able to evaluate equipment status (availability, functioning)
Knowledge of basic nutritional principles (examples)
Able to perform nutritional evaluation (screening, food security)
Knowledge of MS protocols, guidelines and therapeutic choices
Basic level of clinical consultation (diagnosis, treatment, follow-up) for simple pathologies (malaria, diarrhea, respiratory infections)
Able to perform clinical triage at admission
Advanced level of nursing procedures (dressing, IV, cannulisation, fluid monitoring)
Under Supervision
Able to perform basic local anesthesia
Knowledge of anesthetic drugs for local anesthesia
Under Supervision
Knowledge of medical epidemiology principles (mortality, morbidity, evolution of out brakes)
Able to use rapid diagnostic tests (malaria, syphilis, hemoglobin, glucose, etc)
Capacity to provide basic periodic maintenance of biomedical device
Advanced obstetric competencies: take charge of gemellary pregnancy and delivery, breech delivery, shoulder dystocia, use of ventouses, disinfibulation, artificial removal of the placenta
Able to take charge of abortions caused by manual vacuum aspiration (MVA)
Able to implant and remove an implant and IUD (intra-uterine device)
Able to take charge of SGBV victims
Able to handle sexually transmitted infection through syndromic approach
Under Supervision
Basic theoretical knowledge of HIV and TB (symptoms, disease steps, treatment)
Able to perform clinical consultation of HIV/TB patients
Knowledge of MSF HIV/TB protocols, guidelines and therapeutic choices
MW Be able to design and implement an PMTCT program
Demonstrates loyalty, awareness and respect for MSF’s values
Facilitates and helps to bring about changes in others
Improves performance and sets ambitious and realistic goals
Encourages, engages and motivates people to work as a team
Gives feedback and sets limits
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