

Nivel   11

Responsabilidad Jerárquica

Referente Médico de Proyecto

Responsabilidad Funciónal

Referente Médico de Proyecto (si existe)/Coordinador Médico

Área Profesional


Objetivo Principal

Asegurarse de que las actividades médicas bajo su responsabilidad se realicen de forma adecuada, definir e implementar las políticas, protocolos y procedimientos de MSF , y garantizar la calidad de los servicios médicos para mejorar las condiciones de salud de la población objeto.


  • Coordinar, evaluar y supervisar el correcto funcionamiento de las actividades médicas (HIV, TB, & STIs, SGBV, etc.) siguiendo los procedimientos y protocolos de MSF, mediante la compilación y el análisis de la información médica a su disposición sobre las condiciones de salud de los pacientes.
  • Verificar que los procedimientos administrativos relacionados con el seguimiento a los pacientes (diligenciamiento de formularios, inscripciones, archivos, traslados, papeleos de salida, trámites para dar de alta ...) se realicen de forma correcta de acuerdo a los procedimientos de MSF.
  • Preparar las órdenes médicas necesarias para implementar las actividades médicas bajo su responsabilidad, e identificar e informar a su superior inmediato las necesidades logísticas adicionales (materiales, transporte, infraestructura, etc.)
  • En coordinación con el departamento de recursos humanos, planear y supervisar los procesos de personal (selección, contratación, capacitación, evaluación y desarrollo de competencias, comunicaciones institucionales) para asegurarse de obtener el conocimiento requerido y de mejorar las competencias del personal.
  • Coordinar y realizar seguimiento a los planes de trabajo del equipo a su cargo, en especial en lo relativo a ausencias, vacaciones y permisos.
  • Reemplazar a los médicos cuando sea necesario y participar en los turnos de trabajo.
  • Asegurarse de que el material médico y farmacéutico sea administrado de forma eficiente, y verificar el uso racional de dicho material.
  • Participar en el seguimiento de los programas y proyectos, y supervisar y asegurarse de que se logren los objetivos de las actividades médicas de las que es responsable, así como reportar al referente técnico los problemas que aparezcan durante el servicio.
  • Participar en la elaboración de los informes mensuales de acuerdo a los lineamientos establecido (por ejemplo SitReps y los informes estadísticos) y en la planeación anual y del presupuesto.


El título en medicina es un requisito imprescindible. Idealmente, especialización o formación en medicina tropical o en salud pública. Como requisito imprescindible, al menos 2 años de experiencia como medico en trabajos relacionados con actividades médicas.


  • Idealmente, experiencia laboral con MSF o alguna otra ONG en países en desarrollo.
  • Idealmente, experiencia en medicina tropical o experiencia profesional en salud pública, gineco-obstetricia, pediatría, urgencias, enfermedades infecciosas, VIH/AIDS/ETSs, TB, consultas, medicina general o cirugías menores.

Language Level Description

B2  Independent User

Vantage or upper intermediate

  • Can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his/her field of specialisation.
  • Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party.
  • Can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.

Technical Skills

Person / material hygiene


Able to supervise use of PPE in a service or department

Infection control


Understanding of bio-hazard risk (secure waste disposal)

Appropriation of MSF Infection control protocols and proceduresL3 Understanding of bio-hazard risk (secure waste disposal)

Appropriation of MSF Infection control protocols and procedures

Food Hygiene

Under Supervision

Capable to implement basic food hygiene principles (cleaning, storage)

Understand principle of food transformation( process, transformation, storage)L1 Capable to implement basic food hygiene principles (cleaning, storage)

Understand principle of food transformation( process, transformation, storage)



 Able to perform rational use of prescription analysis

Able to ensure quality control on drug management

Knowledge of drugs: action, interaction and side effects

Able to evaluate the quality level of patient therapy education

Mastery of pharmacy management softwareL4 Able to perform rational use of prescription analysis

Able to ensure quality control on drug management

Knowledge of drugs: action, interaction and side effects

Able to evaluate the quality level of patient therapy education

Mastery of pharmacy management software



Knowledge of stock management principles ( stock out risk, calculation of stock level, alarm follow-up)

Able to use MSF supply software at project level

Familiar with cold chain principlesL2 Knowledge of stock management principles ( stock out risk, calculation of stock level, alarm follow-up)

Able to use MSF supply software at project level

Familiar with cold chain principles



Knowledge of administration therapeutic techniques (mouth, spoon, NG tube, sucking technique)

Knowledge of MSF nutrition protocols, guidelines and therapeutic choicesL3 Knowledge of administration therapeutic techniques (mouth, spoon, NG tube, sucking technique)

Knowledge of MSF nutrition protocols, guidelines and therapeutic choices

Clinical competence


Able to identify basic pathological conditions (apathy, anorexia, see jd…)

Capacity to address to specific medical conditions (hypothermia and fever)


Under Supervision

Able to perform basic local anesthesia 

Knowledge of anesthetic drugs for local anesthesia


Under Supervision

Knowledge of medical epidemiology principles (mortality, morbidity, evolution of out brakes)



Able to use rapid diagnostic tests (malaria, syphilis, hemoglobin, glucose, etc)

Public health

Under Supervision

Knowledge on health system functioning

Knowledge on health policy design

Bio Med


Capacity to provide basic periodic maintenance of biomedical device



Able to identify SGBV victims and handle post exposure prophylaxis


Under Supervision

Basic theoretical knowledge of HIV and TB (symptoms, disease steps, treatment)

Able to perform clinical consultation of HIV/TB patients

Knowledge of MSF HIV/TB protocols, guidelines and therapeutic choices

MW Be able to design and implement an PMTCT program



Able to validate therapeutic protocols

Able to design a coherent referent system (reference criteria identification, reference structure validation/network, referred case follow-up system)

Transversal Competencies

Commitment to MSF’s Principles

Demonstrates loyalty, awareness and respect for MSF’s values

  • Expresses his/her interest by talking/asking/giving informed opinions about MSF’s activities.
  • Expresses he/she wants to work with MSF because of its principles and mission.
  • Overtly expresses his/her satisfaction at belonging to MSF and defends MSF’s social mission.
  • Refers to beneficiaries* when speaking about his/her own work.
  • Always transmits a positive image of MSF in front of both colleagues and external people.
  • Translates the principles of MSF into actions.

Behavioural Flexibility

Facilitates and helps to bring about changes in others

  • Sets up mechanisms that can minimise the impact of an “expected change” on others, for instance, a good briefing.
  • Communicates and provides information even when he/she is not the team leader. 

Results and Quality Orientation

Improves performance and sets ambitious and realistic goals

  • Strives to continually improve work methods.
  • Suggests news ways of increasing efficiency in his/her field of action.
  • Demonstrates a continuous learning attitude.
  • Sets as an objective the improvement of the process. 

Teamwork and Cooperation

Encourages, engages and motivates people to work as a team

  • Shows he/she values the experience and input of other team members through empathetic communication.
  • Makes decisions taking into account how they affect the team.
  • Actively seeks input from team members to define how they will work together.
  • Makes sure the common objective is known and supported by all the team.
  • Works to achieve cohesion and a spirit of cooperation in the team.
  • Involves the team in the decision-making process that may affect all its members. 

People Management and Development

Gives feedback and sets limits

  • Informs and gives feedback about results achieved by the team.
  • Individually rectifies ineffective behaviour through constructive feedback.
  • Acknowledges the positive performance of his/her collaborators, using suitable techniques for the follow-up appraisal.
  • Manages any discrepancies between team members’ expectations and the reality of their situation.
  • Is approachable and makes time for all team members. 

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