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Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Technical Skill

Applies policies and tools, implements processes with few mistakes and regular supervision

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Implements policies, tools and processes autonomously with no major mistakes. Proposes improvements. Calls for assistance when needed. Little supervision required
Masters the subject fully. Is able to implement the necessary policies, tools and processes independently with little assistance and major mistakes. Proposes improvements. Provides support to colleagues. No supervision required
Is able to implement all the necessary tools independently with no assistance or major mistakes. Proposes improvements. Is the referent person, required for his/her expertise

HR Strategy Development


Able to implement and follow up the activities defined in the objectives and HR strategy of the project


Able to analyze : the local HR context of the project and the HR organization of the project (workload, tasks allocation, needs calculation,...) 

Able to contribute to the development and to execute HR strategy for the project (active participation in elaboration of HR strategy based on the operational needs, planning of the activities to be done in order to implement the HR strategy)

Able to translate those activities into a budget and to follow up the achievement of those activities


Able to analyze the local HR context of the mission

Able to advise on the analyze of the HR organization of the project (workload, tasks allocation, needs calculation,...)

Able to define the HR strategy of the mission, integrating both operational needs and the one of the organization - global HR strategy (OC and international level)

Able to evaluate and plan the activities to put in place in order to implement the strategy


Able to advise on the definition of an HR strategy taking into consideration the needs of the organization and the local context

Able to advise on the different options regarding the activities to put in place in order to implement the strategy



Able to understand and implement policies, tools and processes related to legal management of the project (contract, rent,...)


Able to explain and ensure the proper implementation of policies, tools and processes related to legal management of the project (contract, rent,...)

Able to follow up legal aspects of the project management

Able to put in place a system to ensure the proper legal management of the project


Able to analyze the local legal context with the support of MSF tools

Able to organize the legal protection of the mission by identifying a local legal expert able to advise the organization, using guidelines and with the advise of legal adviser in HQ if necessary

Able to ensure the follow up of court cases, liaising with the HQ and the local legal expert

Able to write / co write a draft of any contractual document taking into account the local law and MSF policies and submit if necessary to the local and or HQ legal advisor

Able to ensure the follow up of the different taxes payment (fiscal obligation) 


Able to provide/elaborate/write MSF tools in order to support the field in the analyze of the local legal context 

Able to advise in the choice of local legal expert for a mission

Able to analyze the local legal context and to understand MSF operationalities in the mission in order to advise the mission (court cases, contractual document like MOU, rent, IR, taxes payment etc)

Administrative Management


Able to execute MSF administrative policies, tools (MSP, Health care package, international staff guidelines...), and processes, with supervision


Able to explain and ensure the proper implementation of policies, tools and processes related to legal management of the project (contract, rent,...)

Able to follow up legal aspects of the project management

Able to put in place a system to ensure the proper legal management of the project


Able to analyze the local legal context with the support of MSF tools

Able to organize the legal protection of the mission by identifying a local legal expert able to advise the organization, using guidelines and with the advise of legal adviser in HQ if necessary

Able to ensure the follow up of court cases, liaising with the HQ and the local legal expert

Able to write / co write a draft of any contractual document taking into account the local law and MSF policies and submit if necessary to the local and or HQ legal advisor

Able to ensure the follow up of the different taxes payment (fiscal obligation) 


Able to provide/elaborate/write MSF tools in order to support the field in the analyze of the local legal context 

Able to advise in the choice of local legal expert for a mission

Able to analyze the local legal context and to understand MSF operationalities in the mission in order to advise the mission (court cases, contractual document like MOU, rent, IR, taxes payment etc)



Able to execute MSF administrative policies, tools (MSP, Health care package, international staff guidelines...), and processes, with supervision


Able to implement MSF administrative policies and tools (MSP, Health care package, GPS,...)

Able to implement processes autonomously and propose improvement in order to adapt them to the mission/project

Able to implement the function grid

Able to implement a salary revision


Able to implement MSF administrative policies and tools (MSP, Health care package, GPS...), implements processes autonomously,  proposes improvement and gives support to the field

Able to ensure that all the function in the mission are positioned in the frame of the MSF function grid with corresponding level in salary scale

Able to elaborate a salary revision using the benchmarking with the support/advice of the referent person


Able to advise on the implementation of MSF administrative policies and tools for international and national staff

Able to advise on the elaboration of a salary revision using the benchmarking

Career management


Able to support the supervisors to detect people with potentials based on competencies

Able to propose career development plan for national staff 

Able to follow up career development plans


Able to advise on the identification and evaluation of competencies

Able to define a career development plan for national staff

Able to accompany the career development plan of international staff as defined by the pool manager 


Able to advise on the definition of a career development plan for national staff

Able to define career development planning order to consolidate an international pool of staff for specific functions



Able to detect training needs under supervision

Able to propose ad-hoc trainings according to specific needs detected


Able to define objectives for specific trainings according to specific needs detected

Able to develop basic training sessions in own area

Able to make an assessment of training needs in a team/mission

Able to facilitate training sessions and to  train other facilitators


Able to translate the results of an assessment of training needs into a training plan

Able to develop whole training sessions with the support of Training unit when needed

Able to put in place a system to measure the impact of the trainings in terms of obtained results for the persons and the mission


Able to advise on how to lead training needs assessment (propose strategies and training paths linked to operational needs, decide on an ongoing system of validation of training needs)

Able to advise (based on the needs assessment) on how to revise or develop the objectives and content of modules that fall under the responsibility of Hr department and to propose new modules where necessary

Able to advise on how to facilitate training modules and to train people to train

Able to advise on how to put in place a system to measure the impact of the trainings  

Organization Design


Able to detect the job tasks and responsibilities according to existing tools

Able to prepare and revise job profiles for all the positions


Able to support coordinators/supervisors/activity managers to prepare and update proper job descriptions and profiles for all the positions they supervise

Able to define organizational structures and design organization charts with support when needed

Through regular meetings to ensure fluid communication flows in a team


Able to advise the coordinators / supervisors / activity managers on how to define organizational structures and design organization charts

Able to advise coordinators / supervisors / activity managers on how put in place a system of meetings and communication flows adapted to the situation of their teams and to their activities


Able to develop a complete organizational analysis (structure, processes, activities) and to advise line managers about an eventual re-organization/process re-engineering

Team Management


Able to follow basic rules on how to handle one-to-one communication (giving feedback, warnings, etc.)


Able to detect situation of conflict or stress within a team

Able to propose team building activities 


Able to advise coordinators / supervisors / activity managers on how to give and receive feedback in order to improve team work

Able to analyse (de)motivation factors in a team and advise coordinators / supervisors / activity managers in terms of motivation

Able to advise coordinators / supervisors / activity managers on how to delegate and on how to supervise

Able to advise and assist coordinators / supervisors / activity managers in case of conflicts or stress detected within a team


Able to provide people under functional supervision with expertise and methodology on organizational structure, communication, conflict management, stress early detection etc

Able to coach people under functional supervision on all the above mentioned area of team management

IT HR Tools


Able to capture all the employee data required by MSF in the database

Able to ensure the payment of the staff using the software

Able to ensure the administrative follow up of employees using the software (leaves, warnings, etc…)


Able to use the IT system as a management tool, by extracting all the relevant data, analyzing them and drawing conclusion


Able to check the quality of and analyzes the employee data in the software

Able to provide the field with technical support regarding the use of the software 

Able to detect errors and explain how to correct them

Able to explain the payroll calculation of the mission and to provide the information needed in order for the HR tool expert in HQ to parameterize it in the software


Able to advise the field regarding the use of the software – level 2

Able to parameterize the payroll calculation based on the information provided by the field

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This job doesn't have technical skills.
This job doesn't have technical skills.

Facility Management


Able to identify the needs of a base in terms of non-medical investment equipment.

Able to analyse/interpret the data extracted from Buphagus

Basic knowledge of the equipment management policy (identification, maintenance procedures, standard articles, etc.)

Able to evaluate the impact of inhouse or outhouse servicing of investiment equipments

Management of Offices and Workplace Safety


Ability to collect the needs of the building users and propose and implement rational solutions

Ability to understand  and evaluate the local real estate market.

General knowledge of safety hazard and related soultions

General technical knowledge of the maintenance principles/tools for all the tehcnical services related to the buildings



Familiar with MSF basic standard tools and procedures (Carnet de Bord, fiche de travail, dayly and weekly check, service « A » and « B »)

Basic knowledge of mechanical spareparts

Be able to properly manage a of fuel storage and to respect refueling principles/rules.

Sound knowledge of driving rules

Vehicle Feet Management


Be able to size the project fleet and related equipment according to Msf standards and deployment conditions

Be able to organize a garage facility on the basis of MSF standards

Ability to evaluate the pertinency of local outsurcing  basic maintenance service of the fleet

Sound Knowledge of mechanical spareparts, (produce regularly order sparepart)

Aerial Operations


Good knowledge of MSF projects air protocols (procedures, flight planning)

Ability of monitoring freight and passanger movements

Able to handle aircraft arrival and departure (airstrip clearing, contact with pilot)

Knowledge of MSF safety policies and protocols with regards to an aerial operation



 Able to recognise the 3 priorities (safety, protection, continuity of service).

Able to follow a logic procedure in order to detect simple electricity problems

Able to apply the basic laws of electricity (volt, ampere, watt, AC/DC).

Able to produce basic facilities based on MSF standard kits (lighting kit, small generator, charger/inverter)

Information and Communication Technology


Able to explain the MSF IT policy (3S: Security, Standardization, backup System)

Able to perform, verify and re-install a backup

Able to apply installation and maintenance procedures for IT material

Basic knowledge of computer network architecture

Able to follow a logic procedure in order to detect IT problems



Familiar with MSF basic standard tools and procedures (Difference between HF and VHF, estqblish radio contact, use of satellite phone, use and interpret an swvr meter)

Biomedical Equipment


Be familiar with the types of medical apparatus most used by MSF.

Be able to carry out basic preventive maintenance.

Familiar with MSF basic standard tools and procedures related to biomed equipments

Construction and Renovation


Familiar with  renovation and/or construction proceduresfor simple structures (temporary, semi-premanent and permanent)

Good knowlegde of existing MSF construction reference guides/tools.

Explain the MSF prerequisites for a construction project.

Able to draw a schematic diagram.

Able to recognize the need of supply in terms of materials

Water, Hygiene and Sanitation


Explain the link between WHS and (Public) Health.

Be able to estimate the needs for water & excrement management for healthcare structures & camps.

Be able to install a small water network with MSF kits (motorised pump, bladder, distribution line).

Know how to perform a batch chlorination

Explain the principles of systems for management of excrement (defecation area, latrine pits, improved latrine pits, simple latrine, VIP, water latrine, septic tank).

Explain the principles of water evacuation (grease trap, infiltration trenches).

Explain the principles of medical waste management (categories & equipment)



Able to identify the major risks presented by a project in terms of safety of goods and persons, in collaboration with the project coordinator.

Able to identify measures to reduce risks and develop a contingency plan for a project

Money/Cash Management


Perfect knowledge of MSF security/cash guideline/procedures and able to implement them



Good knowledge of MSF mission accounting tools and procedures (chart of accounts and allocation table, description grid, closing,...)

Excellent knowledge of Saga

Able to analyse accounting books/entries

Funding Management


Sound knowledge of donor’s interests

Be able to adapt MSF funding strategy at mission level 

Contract Management


Able to produce a complex financial report

Able to detect over or under spending of financial a contract and find appropriate solutions/amendments

Able to manage an allocation table

Perfect knowledge of mission donor’s requirements in terms financial reporting

Internal Control


Familiar with procedures and processes of dept. other than finance (support functions)

Able to identify gaps across procedures

Good Knowledge of best practices of financial control

Budget Management


Sound knowledge of budget tools, processes and procedures

Ability to put in place a forecast

Ability to model different scenarios

Management Control


Good knowledge of cost analysis methodologies 

Ability to underline relevant points of attention

Good knowledge of KPIs: can define relevant KPIs for project/mission activities



Good: Pivot table, vlookups

HR Strategy Development


Able to analyze the local HR context of the mission

Able to advise on the analyze of the HR organization of the project (workload, tasks allocation, needs calculation,...)

Able to define the HR strategy of the mission, integrating both operational needs and the one of the organization - global HR strategy (OC and international level)

Able to evaluate and plan the activities to put in place in order to implement the strategy



Able to analyze the local legal context with the support of MSF tools

Able to organize the legal protection of the mission by identifying a local legal expert able to advise the organization, using guidelines and with the advise of legal adviser in HQ if necessary

Able to ensure the follow up of court cases, liaising with the HQ and the local legal expert

Able to write / co write a draft of any contractual document taking into account the local law and MSF policies and submit if necessary to the local and or HQ legal advisor

Able to ensure the follow up of the different taxes payment (fiscal obligation) 

Administrative Management


Able to explain and ensure the proper implementation of policies, tools and processes related to legal management of the project (contract, rent,...)

Able to follow up legal aspects of the project management

Able to put in place a system to ensure the proper legal management of the project



Able to implement MSF administrative policies and tools (MSP, Health care package, GPS,...)

Able to implement processes autonomously and propose improvement in order to adapt them to the mission/project

Able to implement the function grid

Able to implement a salary revision

Career management


Able to support the supervisors to detect people with potentials based on competencies

Able to propose career development plan for national staff 

Able to follow up career development plans



Able to define objectives for specific trainings according to specific needs detected

Able to develop basic training sessions in own area

Able to make an assessment of training needs in a team/mission

Able to facilitate training sessions and to  train other facilitators

Organization Design


Able to advise the coordinators / supervisors / activity managers on how to define organizational structures and design organization charts

Able to advise coordinators / supervisors / activity managers on how put in place a system of meetings and communication flows adapted to the situation of their teams and to their activities

Team Management


Able to advise coordinators / supervisors / activity managers on how to give and receive feedback in order to improve team work

Able to analyse (de)motivation factors in a team and advise coordinators / supervisors / activity managers in terms of motivation

Able to advise coordinators / supervisors / activity managers on how to delegate and on how to supervise

Able to advise and assist coordinators / supervisors / activity managers in case of conflicts or stress detected within a team

IT HR Tools


Able to use the IT system as a management tool, by extracting all the relevant data, analyzing them and drawing conclusion

This job doesn't have technical skills.

HR Strategy Development


Able to analyze the local HR context of the mission

Able to advise on the analyze of the HR organization of the project (workload, tasks allocation, needs calculation,...)

Able to define the HR strategy of the mission, integrating both operational needs and the one of the organization - global HR strategy (OC and international level)

Able to evaluate and plan the activities to put in place in order to implement the strategy



Able to analyze the local legal context with the support of MSF tools

Able to organize the legal protection of the mission by identifying a local legal expert able to advise the organization, using guidelines and with the advise of legal adviser in HQ if necessary

Able to ensure the follow up of court cases, liaising with the HQ and the local legal expert

Able to write / co write a draft of any contractual document taking into account the local law and MSF policies and submit if necessary to the local and or HQ legal advisor

Able to ensure the follow up of the different taxes payment (fiscal obligation) 

Administrative Management


Able to explain and ensure the proper implementation of policies, tools and processes related to legal management of the project (contract, rent,...)

Able to follow up legal aspects of the project management

Able to put in place a system to ensure the proper legal management of the project



Able to implement MSF administrative policies and tools (MSP, Health care package, GPS,...)

Able to implement processes autonomously and propose improvement in order to adapt them to the mission/project

Able to implement the function grid

Able to implement a salary revision

Career management


Able to support the supervisors to detect people with potentials based on competencies

Able to propose career development plan for national staff 

Able to follow up career development plans



Able to define objectives for specific trainings according to specific needs detected

Able to develop basic training sessions in own area

Able to make an assessment of training needs in a team/mission

Able to facilitate training sessions and to  train other facilitators

Organization Design


Able to advise the coordinators / supervisors / activity managers on how to define organizational structures and design organization charts

Able to advise coordinators / supervisors / activity managers on how put in place a system of meetings and communication flows adapted to the situation of their teams and to their activities

Team Management


Able to advise coordinators / supervisors / activity managers on how to give and receive feedback in order to improve team work

Able to analyse (de)motivation factors in a team and advise coordinators / supervisors / activity managers in terms of motivation

Able to advise coordinators / supervisors / activity managers on how to delegate and on how to supervise

Able to advise and assist coordinators / supervisors / activity managers in case of conflicts or stress detected within a team

IT HR Tools


Able to use the IT system as a management tool, by extracting all the relevant data, analyzing them and drawing conclusion



Able to analyze the local legal context with the support of MSF tools

Able to organize the legal protection of the mission by identifying a local legal expert able to advise the organization, using guidelines and with the advise of legal adviser in HQ if necessary

Able to ensure the follow up of court cases, liaising with the HQ and the local legal expert

Able to write / co write a draft of any contractual document taking into account the local law and MSF policies and submit if necessary to the local and or HQ legal advisor

Able to ensure the follow up of the different taxes payment (fiscal obligation) 

Administrative Management


Able to analyze the local legal context with the support of MSF tools

Able to organize the legal protection of the mission by identifying a local legal expert able to advise the organization, using guidelines and with the advise of legal adviser in HQ if necessary

Able to ensure the follow up of court cases, liaising with the HQ and the local legal expert

Able to write / co write a draft of any contractual document taking into account the local law and MSF policies and submit if necessary to the local and or HQ legal advisor

Able to ensure the follow up of the different taxes payment (fiscal obligation) 

Organization Design


Able to support coordinators/supervisors/activity managers to prepare and update proper job descriptions and profiles for all the positions they supervise

Able to define organizational structures and design organization charts with support when needed

Through regular meetings to ensure fluid communication flows in a team

IT HR Tools


Able to check the quality of and analyzes the employee data in the software

Able to provide the field with technical support regarding the use of the software 

Able to detect errors and explain how to correct them

Able to explain the payroll calculation of the mission and to provide the information needed in order for the HR tool expert in HQ to parameterize it in the software



Able to implement MSF administrative policies and tools (MSP, Health care package, GPS...), implements processes autonomously,  proposes improvement and gives support to the field

Able to ensure that all the function in the mission are positioned in the frame of the MSF function grid with corresponding level in salary scale

Able to elaborate a salary revision using the benchmarking with the support/advice of the referent person

Career management


Able to advise on the identification and evaluation of competencies

Able to define a career development plan for national staff

Able to accompany the career development plan of international staff as defined by the pool manager 



Able to translate the results of an assessment of training needs into a training plan

Able to develop whole training sessions with the support of Training unit when needed

Able to put in place a system to measure the impact of the trainings in terms of obtained results for the persons and the mission

Team Management


Able to advise coordinators / supervisors / activity managers on how to give and receive feedback in order to improve team work

Able to analyse (de)motivation factors in a team and advise coordinators / supervisors / activity managers in terms of motivation

Able to advise coordinators / supervisors / activity managers on how to delegate and on how to supervise

Able to advise and assist coordinators / supervisors / activity managers in case of conflicts or stress detected within a team

HR Strategy Development


Able to analyze : the local HR context of the project and the HR organization of the project (workload, tasks allocation, needs calculation,...) 

Able to contribute to the development and to execute HR strategy for the project (active participation in elaboration of HR strategy based on the operational needs, planning of the activities to be done in order to implement the HR strategy)

Able to translate those activities into a budget and to follow up the achievement of those activities



Able to explain and ensure the proper implementation of policies, tools and processes related to legal management of the project (contract, rent,...)

Able to follow up legal aspects of the project management

Able to put in place a system to ensure the proper legal management of the project

Administrative Management


Able to explain and ensure the proper implementation of policies, tools and processes related to legal management of the project (contract, rent,...)

Able to follow up legal aspects of the project management

Able to put in place a system to ensure the proper legal management of the project



Able to implement MSF administrative policies and tools (MSP, Health care package, GPS,...)

Able to implement processes autonomously and propose improvement in order to adapt them to the mission/project

Able to implement the function grid

Able to implement a salary revision

Career management


Able to support the supervisors to detect people with potentials based on competencies

Able to propose career development plan for national staff 

Able to follow up career development plans



Able to detect training needs under supervision

Able to propose ad-hoc trainings according to specific needs detected

Organization Design


Able to support coordinators/supervisors/activity managers to prepare and update proper job descriptions and profiles for all the positions they supervise

Able to define organizational structures and design organization charts with support when needed

Through regular meetings to ensure fluid communication flows in a team

Team Management


Able to detect situation of conflict or stress within a team

Able to propose team building activities 

IT HR Tools


Able to use the IT system as a management tool, by extracting all the relevant data, analyzing them and drawing conclusion



Able to explain and ensure the proper implementation of policies, tools and processes related to legal management of the project (contract, rent,...)

Able to follow up legal aspects of the project management

Able to put in place a system to ensure the proper legal management of the project

Administrative Management


Able to analyze the local legal context with the support of MSF tools

Able to organize the legal protection of the mission by identifying a local legal expert able to advise the organization, using guidelines and with the advise of legal adviser in HQ if necessary

Able to ensure the follow up of court cases, liaising with the HQ and the local legal expert

Able to write / co write a draft of any contractual document taking into account the local law and MSF policies and submit if necessary to the local and or HQ legal advisor

Able to ensure the follow up of the different taxes payment (fiscal obligation) 

IT HR Tools


Able to use the IT system as a management tool, by extracting all the relevant data, analyzing them and drawing conclusion

HR Strategy Development


Able to implement and follow up the activities defined in the objectives and HR strategy of the project



Able to understand and implement policies, tools and processes related to legal management of the project (contract, rent,...)

Administrative Management


Able to execute MSF administrative policies, tools (MSP, Health care package, international staff guidelines...), and processes, with supervision

Team Management


Able to follow basic rules on how to handle one-to-one communication (giving feedback, warnings, etc.)

IT HR Tools


Able to capture all the employee data required by MSF in the database

Able to ensure the payment of the staff using the software

Able to ensure the administrative follow up of employees using the software (leaves, warnings, etc…)

Money/Cash Management


Sound knowledge of project security/cash guideline/procedures (transfers, keeping money, ...)

and able to implement them

Able to analyse cassh discrepancies and to propose solutions 



HR Strategy Development


Able to implement and follow up the activities defined in the objectives and HR strategy of the project



Able to understand and implement policies, tools and processes related to legal management of the project (contract, rent,...)

Administrative Management


Able to execute MSF administrative policies, tools (MSP, Health care package, international staff guidelines...), and processes, with supervision

Team Management


Able to follow basic rules on how to handle one-to-one communication (giving feedback, warnings, etc.)

IT HR Tools


Able to capture all the employee data required by MSF in the database

Able to ensure the payment of the staff using the software

Able to ensure the administrative follow up of employees using the software (leaves, warnings, etc…)



Able to understand and implement policies, tools and processes related to legal management of the project (contract, rent,...)

Administrative Management


Able to execute MSF administrative policies, tools (MSP, Health care package, international staff guidelines...), and processes, with supervision

IT HR Tools


Able to capture all the employee data required by MSF in the database

Able to ensure the payment of the staff using the software

Able to ensure the administrative follow up of employees using the software (leaves, warnings, etc…)

This job doesn't have technical skills.
This job doesn't have technical skills.
This job doesn't have technical skills.
This job doesn't have technical skills.
This job doesn't have technical skills.
This job doesn't have technical skills.
This job doesn't have technical skills.
This job doesn't have technical skills.

Knowledge Level Definition

Basic knowledge

Shows a general understanding of the main principles but cannot explain how they can be translated into specific action/activities

Provides definition based on «don'ts» more than «dos». Has a clear perception of actions which should be avoided rather than those which should be taken

Good knowledge

Understands the logical frame in which rules and regulations are developed and recognizes the reasons underpinning their adoption

Understands the logical link between main principles and secondary level rules

Knows the impact and the consequences coming from the implementation of his knowledge, within his area/function/department

Sound Knowledge

(See good knowledge), and in addition:
Deep technical knowledge of a matter, applicable to the resolution of complex problems

Excellent/perfect knowledge

Detailed knowledge of a matter, its history and evolution within the organization

State of the art of technical knowledge for the organization, aware of its importance as critical assets to the organization's success

Deep awareness of impact and consequences coming from the implementation of his knowledge, within the whole organization

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