

Level   10

Reports to (Hierarchical)

Human Resources Coordinator

Reports to (Functional)

Human Resources Coordinator / Development Unit HQ

Job Family


Main Purpose

Is responsible for ensuring the HR capacity required, sizing and improving people capabilities, contribution and active participation in order to achieve mission goals effectively. This will be done according to MSF human resources vision and values.


  • Knows OC’s recruitment and development policies, procedures and tools, adapt them to the Mission’s context and ensure an equitable, fair, transparent, efficient and accountable implementation throughout the Mission by all relevant people in the mission
  • Provide expertise to all people involved in recruitment process on how to lead it properly with the aim of recruiting professionals and people with potentials to be developed.
  • Ensures alignment with existing policies and provides expert support to coordinators, activity managers and supervisors in recruiting and developing people under their supervision: first screening of CVs, interview methods, content, detection of potentials, best practices, PMS, alignment of development with operational objectives, etc.
  • Knows OC’s induction policies, procedures and tools, adapt them to the Mission’s context and ensure its proper implementation for all newly recruited/arrived staff and for previously hired staff in the Mission who had no access to them when being recruited.
  • Ensures (together with the coordinator/supervisors/activity manager) that pre-established specific preparation or specific briefings for newly recruited/arrived staff on the basis of the profile sheet received (OCBA) or development plan are properly done in due time.
  • Ensure that all newly recruited/arrived staff receive a briefing agenda upon recruitment/arrival and that they are properly briefed by her/his hierarchical and functional supervisor (if applicable) and receive all the due information according to the established procedures & standard briefing content.
  • Follow up the quality and impact of whole briefing and induction processes, collects data and suggest improvements to HRCo if advisable.
  • Suggests career paths and support plans for specific persons to HRCo and line managers, ensuring a proper liaison with the Operational needs and objectives set, the results of PMS, the training possibilities (local, international, intersectional, regional, etc.) and the potentials identified.
  • Together with HRCo, HRO/REHUCO and Training Unit in HQ, contributes to create and implement a mission training policy adapted to the Mission in order to respond to the needs identified among the staff, prioritizing those needed to ensure the Operational objectives set.
  • Together with HRCo, HRO/REHUCO and Training Unit in HQ, contributes to the identification of training options at local / regional / international / intersectional level, and provide expertise upon request to line managers with regards to the assessment of training needs within the teams they supervise.
  • In close collaboration with HRCo, HRO/REHUCO and Training Unit in HQ, ensures proper implementation of the Training Policy, procedures and tools in the Mission and support and develop training for Coordinators/supervisors/activity managers (i.e. HR Management, PMS, etc.)
  • Support and empower administration managers and HR/administration staff of the Mission in her/his area of expertise (i.e. recruitment, development, induction, detection of talent, training, etc.)
  • Provide expertise and support to all coordinators/supervisors/activity managers on how to implement PMS (tool , method, setting up objectives, follow up of action plan and best practices) with the aim to evaluate and develop competencies of the staff they supervise.
  • Look for synergy/exchanges with other MSF sections and other NGOs in terms of trainings, coachings and other development tools
  • Shares with HRCo all information/suggestions/activities which may have an impact in planning, budget or HR strategies (i.e. suggested career path, requested trainings, development events, mobility, etc.), and does not implement them without previous authorization of HRCo.
  • Collaborate with HRCo in building/updating the annual plan and budget, with regards to her/his area of work and responsibilities.


Degree in HR


  • Working experience of at least two years in HR.
  • Desirable previous experience in MSF or other NGO in developing countries.

Language Level Description

B2  Independent User

Vantage or upper intermediate

  • Can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his/her field of specialisation.
  • Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party.
  • Can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.

Technical Skills



Able to implement MSF administrative policies and tools (MSP, Health care package, GPS...), implements processes autonomously,  proposes improvement and gives support to the field

Able to ensure that all the function in the mission are positioned in the frame of the MSF function grid with corresponding level in salary scale

Able to elaborate a salary revision using the benchmarking with the support/advice of the referent person

Career management


Able to advise on the identification and evaluation of competencies

Able to define a career development plan for national staff

Able to accompany the career development plan of international staff as defined by the pool manager 



Able to translate the results of an assessment of training needs into a training plan

Able to develop whole training sessions with the support of Training unit when needed

Able to put in place a system to measure the impact of the trainings in terms of obtained results for the persons and the mission

Team Management


Able to advise coordinators / supervisors / activity managers on how to give and receive feedback in order to improve team work

Able to analyse (de)motivation factors in a team and advise coordinators / supervisors / activity managers in terms of motivation

Able to advise coordinators / supervisors / activity managers on how to delegate and on how to supervise

Able to advise and assist coordinators / supervisors / activity managers in case of conflicts or stress detected within a team

Transversal Competencies

Commitment to MSF’s Principles

Demonstrates loyalty, awareness and respect for MSF’s values

  • Expresses his/her interest by talking/asking/giving informed opinions about MSF’s activities.
  • Expresses he/she wants to work with MSF because of its principles and mission.
  • Overtly expresses his/her satisfaction at belonging to MSF and defends MSF’s social mission.
  • Refers to beneficiaries* when speaking about his/her own work.
  • Always transmits a positive image of MSF in front of both colleagues and external people.
  • Translates the principles of MSF into actions.

Behavioural Flexibility

Adapts behaviour to the needs of the situation

  • Accepts decisions which are not completely in line with his/her personal opinions.
  • Is flexible in applying and adapting procedures.
  • Adapts his/her behaviour to the characteristics of the interlocutor and/or situation.
  • Learns from problems and difficulties, becoming more competent at resolving similar situations in the future.
  • Looks for adaptable solutions in order to achieve objectives.
  • Reassesses priorities when circumstances change, focusing on objectives. 

Results and Quality Orientation

Improves performance and sets ambitious and realistic goals

  • Strives to continually improve work methods.
  • Suggests news ways of increasing efficiency in his/her field of action.
  • Demonstrates a continuous learning attitude.
  • Sets as an objective the improvement of the process. 

Teamwork and Cooperation

Encourages, engages and motivates people to work as a team

  • Shows he/she values the experience and input of other team members through empathetic communication.
  • Makes decisions taking into account how they affect the team.
  • Actively seeks input from team members to define how they will work together.
  • Makes sure the common objective is known and supported by all the team.
  • Works to achieve cohesion and a spirit of cooperation in the team.
  • Involves the team in the decision-making process that may affect all its members. 

People Management and Development

Gives feedback and sets limits

  • Informs and gives feedback about results achieved by the team.
  • Individually rectifies ineffective behaviour through constructive feedback.
  • Acknowledges the positive performance of his/her collaborators, using suitable techniques for the follow-up appraisal.
  • Manages any discrepancies between team members’ expectations and the reality of their situation.
  • Is approachable and makes time for all team members. 

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