

Niveau   12

Responsabilité Hiérarchique

Head of Mission

Responsabilité Fonctionnelle

Head of Mission

Domaine Professionnel


But principal

Together with the Head of Mission and the Coordination Team participates in the analysis and follow up of humanitarian context and security situation. Advising, participating, and when requested, representing the HoM with regards to relevant national partners/stakeholders. Support the Mission in understanding the present and the evolving environment, power structures and changing dynamics. Support in the development, implementation and maintenance of a networking and communication strategy, ensuring contacts with authorities, local communities and external actors. Participating and advising the HoM in the preparation of the overall planning of operations, including the review and update of the country policy, action plan.


  • Undertake country level actor mapping looking at national, provincial and regional (as relevant) authorities and conflict dynamics and support HoM(s) with context analysis.
  • Develop and maintain a network of contacts in order to share information on the context, follow trends, identify new risks and threats.
  • Gain an understanding of how MSF is perceived by health professionals, population and relevant actors (political, armed groups, religious authorities…).
  • Produce context analysis briefings highlighting the latest social, economic, political and security trends with (potential) impact on the security and humanitarian contexts
  • Map armed actors, community key-individuals and (ethnic) groups customary and political structures.
  • Analyse impact of local dynamics on project staff’s safety and security as well as impact on population at large.
  • In his/her advisory capacity, review, propose updates and advise the HoM in implementing the Country Security Plan, risk analysis/risk reduction measures, in accordance with MSF Security Policy.
  • Assist the HoM in dissemination of relevant context information to the coordination team, regularly inform them on key issues, update general information on the context for MSF internal documents, and advise on cultural appropriateness of organizational activities and individual behaviors
  • Support the HoM in official representation. Upon delegation, represent MSF in meetings.
  • Participate actively to the negotiation of access, identify gaps that prevent MSF to operate
  • Liaise with local potential stakeholders and help the HoM to create, reinforce and maintain links with local leaders, tribes, authorities, armed forces.
  • Advise on and be involved in the negotiations, finalization and maintenance of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between MSF and the Government / any other institution involved.
  • On request of the HoM, fill gaps and participate to the elaboration of different mission strategic documents, contributing to the mission´s strategic planning and objectives.
  • Raise security awareness among the staff through regular meetings on security context
  • Write up reports on each security incident affecting MSF personnel and monitors its aftermath.
  • Introduce actor-mapping methodology that can be independently maintained (regularly updated and improved) for each project.
  • Support and coach Coordination team members and Project Coordinators, on culturally sensitive manner of representation to local contacts, provide advice and support as needed evolution/challenges faced.


University Degree


  • Essential experience working in the mission country. Demonstrated capacity for analysis, networking and negotiation
  • Preferred experience working with MSF as HAO, PC, Dep HoM or HoM

Language Level Description

C1  Proficient User

Effective Operational Proficiency or advanced

  • Can understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts, and recognise implicit meaning.
  • Can express ideas fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions.
  • Can use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes.
  • Can produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects, showing controlled use of organisational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices.

Technical Skills

This job doesn't have technical skills.

Transversal Competencies

Strategic Vision

Has an overview and links current actions with organisational objectives

  • Contributes towards the global vision.
  • Relates the objectives of his/her project to MSF’s objectives.
  • Is able to distinguish between working activities that give value to MSF’s objectives and those that do not.
  • Sets and maintains an order of priorities in his/her work according to MSF’s strategic objectives. 

Planning and Organising

Follows up, plans activities and sets priorities

  • Plans actions to be carried out with a medium-term perspective, taking other team members into consideration.
  • Organises his/her own work according to the constraints of the team.
  • Utilises existing tools that are proved to be efficient before coming up with his/her own tools.
  • Works to define timeframes and tasks in groups. 

Teamwork and Cooperation

Builds team spirit within the organisation

  • Fosters and encourages collaboration between members of different teams, services and departments, even in difficult situations.
  • Explains to others (in meetings, speeches, etc.) the importance of working in teams.
  • Acts by example. 


Uses actions and indirect influences to persuade

  • Gives solid and coherent arguments to support his/her points to the interlocutor, stressing the key information.
  • Uses different communication tools and means (internal and external resources) to get the message across.
  • Selects communication strategies to have a persuasive impact on the interlocutor.
  • Seeks backup from experts and third parties to strengthen his/her point of view.
  • Manages his/her emotions. 

People Management and Development

Works on the growth and development of team members

  • Offers each team member an equal opportunity to succeed.
  • Publicly acknowledges good performance and positively reinforces it.
  • Considers the personal development of each team member and proposes an individual development plan. 

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