Responsable logistique / Responsable de l'activité
Responsable de l'activité /Référent médical de projet
Logistique / Médical
Superviser, former et guider les cuisiniers afin de garantir la préparation de repas nutritifs et équilibrés pour le personnel ou les patients ; assurer la disponibilité des matières premières ainsi que l'observation des normes d'hygiène et les règles de sécurité. This will be done according to local context and to the location of the position (i.e. Health Facility, Nutrition Intervention, Domestic, etc.).
Une expérience antérieure en tant que cuisinier. Expérience souhaitable comme superviseur d'équipe.
Under Supervision
Capacity to ensure adequate use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Under Supervision
Knowledge and respect of universal standard precautions
Knowledge and respect of disinfection material guidelinesL1 Knowledge and respect of universal standard precautions
Knowledge and respect of disinfection material guidelines
Under Supervision
Capable to implement basic food hygiene principles (cleaning, storage)
Understand principle of food transformation( process, transformation, storage)L1 Capable to implement basic food hygiene principles (cleaning, storage)
Understand principle of food transformation( process, transformation, storage)
Under Supervision
Able to perform basic counseling and/or educational sessions under supervision
Able to identify cases presenting psycho-social problems
Under Supervision
Understand of therapeutic feeding principles
Demonstrates knowledge of and accepts MSF’s principles
Accepts changes
Manages own stress
Performs his/her work
Knows and understands clients’ needs and interests
Acknowledges the importance of teamwork and cooperation
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