

Niveau   3

Responsabilité Hiérarchique

Infirmier nutritioniste/chef des assistants nutritionnels

Responsabilité Fonctionnelle

Infirmier nutritioniste/chef des assistants nutritionnels

Domaine Professionnel


But principal

Participer à la gestion des cas nutritionnels d'enfants souffrant de malnutrition aiguë sous la supervision de l'infirmier nutritioniste et en accord avec les protocoles MSF de nutrition et d'hygiène afin d'améliorer la santé des populations ciblées.


  • Fournir des soins de bases (tamponnage, application de traitements locaux, etc.) conformément aux règles d'hygiène et d'asepsie
  • Informer le personnel soignant sur le fonctionnement du centre: établir le plan d'activité quotidien (nombre et fréquence des repas, visite médicale, pesée, etc.) et autres informations générales
  • Distribuer les repas selon les prescriptions médicales de chaque patient tout en s'assurant qu'il ne reçoive aucun autre aliment
  • Faire quotidiennement rapport des portions ingérées par les patients sous traitement nutritionnel
  • Motiver les mères à allaiter
  • Suivre et faire rapport du poids et, si nécessaire, des autres signes vitaux (température, rythmes cardiaque et respiratoire) de chaque patient
  • Notifier l'infirmier de tout symptôme pathologique tel qu'apathie, anorexie, refus de boire, vomissements, fièvre, déshydratation, diarrhée, etc.
  • Appliquer les procédures correctes en cas de fièvre (rafraîchissement, prise de liquides, etc.) ou d'hypothermie (méthode kangourou, couverture de survie, etc.)
  • Surveiller la disponibilité en eau potable dans le service et son identification claire
  • Assurer la propreté des lieux et du matériel
  • Former les enfants, les mères et les populations cibles à l'hygiène et l'assainissement
  • Préparer les SRO
  • Effectue les maintenances mineures et le nettoyage des équipements médicaux selon les instructions du manuel d’utilisation et les protocoles. Informe le superviseur médical en cas de disfonctionnement d’un dispositif médical.


Connaissances solides des protocoles de nutrition


Aucune requise.

Language Level Description

B1  Independent User

Threshold or intermediate

  • Can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc.
  • Can deal with most situations likely to arise while travelling in an area where the language is spoken.
  • Can produce simple connected text on topics that are familiar or of personal interest.
  • Can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.

Technical Skills

Person / material hygiene

Under Supervision

Capacity to ensure adequate use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Infection control

Under Supervision

Knowledge and respect of universal standard precautions

Knowledge and respect of disinfection material guidelinesL1 Knowledge and respect of universal standard precautions

Knowledge and respect of disinfection material guidelines

Food Hygiene

Under Supervision

Capable to implement basic food hygiene principles (cleaning, storage)

Understand principle of food transformation( process, transformation, storage)L1 Capable to implement basic food hygiene principles (cleaning, storage)

Understand principle of food transformation( process, transformation, storage)

Patient handling

Under Supervision

Capable to implement basic patient handling procedures (ref. Red Cross guidelines)

Medical vocabulary

Under Supervision

Able to understand basic medical vocabulary about patient conditions



Able to issue accurate drug prescriptions


Under Supervision

Able to manage ward/OT material stock (inventory, refilling)

Able to evaluate equipment status (availability, functioning)

L1  able to manage ward/OT material stock (inventory, refilling)

Able to evaluate equipment status (availability, functioning)

Social Sciences methodology

Under Supervision

Able to administrate a quantitative questionnaire  (interviewer)

Able to administrate socio-economical closed questionnaire 

Able to collaborate in the mapping of a geographical area 

Able to collaborate in the mapping of the different actors, organization, etc   

Health promotion

Under Supervision

Perform basic HP activities of prevention and mobilization 

Manage no more than 1 or 2 HP approaches (including animation    techniques )

Manage no more than 1 or 2 medical topic (for instance : cholera) 


Under Supervision

Understand of therapeutic feeding principles

Clinical competence


Able to assess physiological status (vital signs or mental health basic evaluation)


Under Supervision

Knowledge of laboratory equipment and organization

Bio Med

Under Supervision

Knowledge of MSF biomedical maintenance protocol: use and monitoring/functioning

Transversal Competencies

Commitment to MSF’s Principles

Demonstrates knowledge of and accepts MSF’s principles

  • Respects the choices made by the organisation.
  • Has basic knowledge of MSF’s mission and main activities.
  • Respects and accepts the medical ethics and principles of MSF.
  • Knows the difference between MSF’s activities and those of other NGOs and actors.

Behavioural Flexibility

Accepts changes

  • Accepts changes without knowing the full reasons for them.
  • Accepts new ideas in a positive way.
  • Positively accepts changes in his/her environment.
  • Accepts arguments opposed to his/her own.
  • Is willing to listen and to take on new tasks in his/her job. 

Stress Management

Manages own stress

  • Expresses awareness of his/her own stress level.
  • Is able to identify causes of his/her own stress and/or asks for help in detecting them.
  • Is able to express to others his/her personal stressors at an appropriate time without overwhelming them. 

Results and Quality Orientation

Performs his/her work

  • Knows objectives of the job.
  • Defines tasks to achieve objectives and establishes a working plan.
  • Reviews and checks his/her work to detect mistakes and to correct them immediately.
  • Values high-quality work. 

Service Orientation

Knows and understands clients’ needs and interests

  • Identifies and has a clear understanding of who the client to be served is.
  • Identifies clients’ needs and concerns, and provides them with useful information and quick solutions.
  • Listens to clients and asks them questions to determine their needs and motivations.
  • Gets to know how the rest of the team works. 

Teamwork and Cooperation

Acknowledges the importance of teamwork and cooperation

  • Is responsible for his/her work because he/she knows the repercussions it has on the team or on others.
  • Establishes and maintains good working relationships with colleagues, is accessible and listens to others.
  • Cooperates with the team and supports decisions made.
  • Demonstrates a predisposition to work with others and gives help when asked.
  • Acknowledges there are common goals as well as individual objectives deriving from the personal plan of action. 

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