Head of Mission
HQ-based Financial referent (controller in the cell)
| Defining, coordinating and monitoring the implementation and management of finance strategies, policies, internal control and all financial administrative and legal issues in the mission,in line with the context and operational challenges and MSF protocols,standards and procedures, in order to provide accurate, transparent, timely and reliable financial information to the organization and third parties on the allocation of resources in the projects
Perfect knowledge of MSF security/cash guideline/procedures and able to implement them
Good knowledge of MSF mission accounting tools and procedures (chart of accounts and allocation table, description grid, closing,...)
Excellent knowledge of Saga
Able to analyse accounting books/entries
Sound knowledge of donor’s interests
Be able to adapt MSF funding strategy at mission level
Able to produce a complex financial report
Able to detect over or under spending of financial a contract and find appropriate solutions/amendments
Able to manage an allocation table
Perfect knowledge of mission donor’s requirements in terms financial reporting
Familiar with procedures and processes of dept. other than finance (support functions)
Able to identify gaps across procedures
Good Knowledge of best practices of financial control
Sound knowledge of budget tools, processes and procedures
Ability to put in place a forecast
Ability to model different scenarios
Good knowledge of cost analysis methodologies
Ability to underline relevant points of attention
Good knowledge of KPIs: can define relevant KPIs for project/mission activities
Good: Pivot table, vlookups
Has an overview and links current actions with organisational objectives
Enables others to organize
Builds team spirit within the organisation
Uses actions and indirect influences to persuade
Works on the growth and development of team members